Monday, March 21, 2011

Join the movement up your sites alexia rating

So I was on to something last night when I blogged about Alexia, today browsing my facebook feed and saw a post about it, curious I clicked and found a great thing, it is a group of bloggers trying to spread the word and up their ratings on Alexia. Mommy D over at Mommy D's Kitchen Wrote a wonderful article about it and encouraged us to share, so here it is please take time to read this could be really important info for you.
Mommy D's Kitchen

logo button4 Alexa Ranking For Bloggers

HELP Boost your Alexa Rating as a Blogger!
I have been struggling to understand why if I am getting 62000+ page views in a month my Alexa Ranking isn’t moving. What’s up with that! So I did a bit of reading up and I have discovered that Alexa is heavily biased in favor of the techie/webmaster sites. Why? Because they are more likely to have the tools installed that will effect their rankings. So when A webmaster visits another webmaster site it will also effect that sites ranking.

Not a lot of Techie/Webmasters visit Mommy Blogs wlEmoticon winkingsmile Alexa Ranking For Bloggers

Why increase your Alexa Ranking? Because as flawed as it may be, Advertisers and Companies consider your Alexa Ranking when deciding to buy ad space or offer you a review opportunity. Increasing your Alexa Ranking is a must for any PR blogger!

Now, on my quest for information I found a lot of tips and tricks, most of which I didn’t fully understand as it required much more technical knowledge then I currently possess! But one obvious one stood out to me. The Alexa Toolbar!

Webmasters/Techies/SEO Gurus have this installed on their computers. When they visit their own pages and any other page for that matter it effects that site ranking. As I said before, not a lot of Techies visit Mommy Blogs, so Mommy Blogger are gonna have to do it themselves. That’s okay right ladies? We are Mommies and use to having to Do It Ourselves! Bring it on!

Don’t worry, this is painless and simple. All you really need to do is install the toolbar on your computer. Every site you visit, including your own will then benefit from it.

Now, installing this on your computer is the simple part, but I say we as Mommy Bloggers need to unite. Create a Movement to level the playing field among Alexa rankings. How to we do this? Simply encourage as many Bloggers as we can to install this Alexa bar! Every site I visit will be effected, every site they visit will be effected and so on.

We can get Mommy Blogs out of the Depths of Alexa and into the top ranking sites! Can we build it!? YES WE CAN….err…sorry, had a Bob the Builder moment there for a sec.

So lets get started! First step is to install the Alexa bar on your own computer. The links below are to the toolbar pages, not an auto download.

Google Chrome:

Official Alexa Toolbar

Firefox users:

Official Alexa Toolbar

IE Users:

Official Alexa Toolbar

Now we need to start a movement! Pass this post to any bloggers you may know, grab the button and add it to your sidebar or links page (you’ll find it below), post this on your blog (with a link back to this page, thanks), share on Twitter, Facebook, Digg it, Stumble it, what ever your preferred method of communication is.

We need to unite. Helping each other means more Alexa traffic for you too. I have the alexa bar installed right now. Any sites I visit gets a little alexa hit from me. Do the same, pass it along. Lets take alexa away from the few and bring it up to the masses so we can all benefit!

This may not effect you hugely right away, but every little bit helps and if we can get bloggers to use this imagine how many alexa hits we will generate!

Grab The Movement Button
bloggerbutton Alexa Ranking For Bloggers

copy/paste code into your site

Pass on the love peeps!


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