Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thrifty Thursdays ~ Fun Melted Crayon Eggs

  • white eggs
  • tongs
  • empty egg carton
  • crayons

  1. Hard-boil white eggs. Remove them from the hot water with tongs or a slotted spoon, dry them, and rest them in an empty egg carton or on plastic bottle caps (an adult's job).
  2. Color them with the crayons' tips or remove the paper coverings and use the crayons' sides. For a speckled effect, grate a crayon and sprinkle the bits over the eggs. The waxy eggs are very slippery, so take care when turning them to color the underside.When you're done coloring, leave them to dry for about an hour.
  3. When you're done coloring, leave them to dry for about an hour.

*Thanks Disney Family Fun for the great craft


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